January 8
I knew posting daily would not always happen. I did not expect to be late and actually miss days the first week, but that has happened. I am ok with that. Keeping in mind that working 24 hours shifts, and longer, on the ambulance keeps me away from the homestead entirely some days, it is to be expected. On those days, if calls allow, I can still post thoughts, ideas, and plans, but there won’t be any first hand daily events to post about. Today was a day at work, and while we were not overly busy with calls, we had enough other responsibilities that needed attention (ordering, scheduling, etc) that I was busy most of the day. When I sat down to contemplate my diary entry, I realized that our Home Page was in dire need of some updates. So I spent most of the evening updating it. I did spend some time thinking about the garden spot change, and have still not come to a definitive decision. I have realized there are some things I need to learn and take into consideration before I decide. For example, what orientation is best for a large high tunnel greenhouse in my zone? How much drainage (slope) do I need for a 50 foot greenhouse? What is the best ground cover/weed control to use in/around a greenhouse? When I have the answer to those questions, I will be better equipped to make a good decision. Is it just me, or do others notice that for every question that gets answered and every decision that gets made, there seem to be three more that appear that need to be answered or considered. There comes a time that despite unanswered questions, one must make decisions and move forward….but I’m not quite there on the garden location.