Lisa MatthewsJan 2, 2021advice, balance, blessing, blessings, butchering, chicks, DIY, education, family, garden, garlic, growing food, homesteading, lifestyle, make-it-Monday, meat source
Our ancestors, some of which were the original pioneers who pushed westward into unknown lands, recognized the benefit of community and working together. Even though the original pioneers were self sufficient and independent, they understood that together more could...
Lisa MatthewsApr 11, 2017butchering, DIY, family, homesteading, lifestyle, meat source, pig, preservation, seasoning
The learning, doing and teaching that has gone on at our homestead over the last two years has begun to affect our extended family as well as us. This past weekend my brothers, their wives, my mother, my son and a friend all got together and butchered a sow and...