Lisa MatthewsApr 6, 2016dehydrating, DIY, extract, family, garden, gardening, green house, growing food, herbs, homesteading, lifestyle, mint, planting, plants, safety, tea, Uncategorized
The past week has been another roller coaster around the homestead. We’ve worked in the garden, planted in the greenhouse, begun work on re-doing pens in the barn for the animals, worked in the rapidly growing herb bed, marked our queens in both our bee hives...
Lisa MatthewsMar 14, 2016DIY, garden, gardening, green house, growing food, make-it-Monday, planting, plants, Uncategorized
The weather the last few weeks has been remarkably warm and spring-like. While the weather is much enjoyed, it comes with some anxious anticipation. The earlier Mother Natures brings on Spring-like weather the more worried I become that there will be that...
Lisa MatthewsJun 28, 2015compost, garden, gardening, mulch, Uncategorized
We have used several gardening methods in the past and this year we decided to go back to the one technique that proved to be the easiest to care for and appears to have provided the absolutely best harvests we ever had. Two years ago we used a mulching...