Lisa MatthewsJul 30, 2017advice, education, health, homesteading, lifestyle, safety
If you are like me, you spend much of your time taking care of your animals, working in the garden, and other tasks that care for your family. One thing I tend to be lax on, is taking care of me. In the hot days of summer, it becomes very important that we are...
Lisa MatthewsApr 6, 2016dehydrating, DIY, extract, family, garden, gardening, green house, growing food, herbs, homesteading, lifestyle, mint, planting, plants, safety, tea, Uncategorized
The past week has been another roller coaster around the homestead. We’ve worked in the garden, planted in the greenhouse, begun work on re-doing pens in the barn for the animals, worked in the rapidly growing herb bed, marked our queens in both our bee hives...