January 10

January 10 Plans for updating the garden are foremost on my mind right now.  I purchased a high tunnel greenhouse that needs to be erected, and the location will be permanent (or at least it will require A LOT of work to move it) so I need to be certain about where I...

January 9

January 9  Ttoday was full of the unexpected.  I got up early to be ready to make an hour trip, one way, to pick up a large walk-in cooler.  The cooler turned out to be two units, one freezer and one cooler, which is not what we need for our processing area, but...

January 8

January 8 I knew posting daily would not always happen.  I did not expect to be late and actually miss days the first week, but that has happened.  I am ok with that.  Keeping in mind that working 24 hours shifts, and longer, on the ambulance keeps me away from the...

January 6

January 6 This day definitely did not go as planned.  I got off work over 3 hours late due to an emergency call just before shift change.  Loosing that time at home threw off my whole schedule.  Which lead me to thinking about just how planning works….and...

January 5

January 5 I find myself typing after midnight after running an emergency ambulance call.  During the drive back to the station, I started thinking about what I could post about on a day I worked a 24 hour shift and was not on the homestead at all.  It came to me...