Lisa MatthewsJun 16, 2018cooking, DIY, DIY medicinals, fermenting, garlic, growing food, health, herbs, honey, preservation, seasoning
I have not delved much into the fermented foods world. My only experience has been some sauerkraut and kombucha, other than a bit of cheese making….until now. I’ve become intrigued with home made medicinals and remedies and my interest and knowledge has...
Lisa MatthewsJun 5, 2018canning, dairy, DIY, milking, preservation, pressure canning
Now, before the attacks start, and the canning police come in with guns blazing, let me make a couple of things perfectly clear before I go any further with this post! I have been canning for well over 30 years, and I am FULLY AWARE, that what I am about to post is...