Lisa MatthewsMay 31, 2018cooking, dehydrating, garden, garlic, growing food, herbs, pantry staples, plants, preservation, seasoning
Wow! I don’t know about the rest of the country, but here in Southwest Missouri, we have totally skipped Spring! We went from cold, snow and ice to 80-90 degree temps in about 2 weeks, literally! While I’m still trying to get all the garden planted,...
Lisa MatthewsJun 16, 2016dehydrating, garden, gardening, garlic, growing food, herbs, pantry staples, preservation, seasoning
We have grown many of the things we eat over the years, and have attempted to grow garlic in the past, but was never very successful. With the help of Shannon, from Elderberry Edge Farm, we have a great crop this year! I was a little surprised at the time...
Lisa MatthewsJun 13, 2016cooking, dehydrating, DIY, gardening, growing food, herbs, homesteading, lifestyle, pantry staples, plants, preservation, seasoning
The end of last week it was time to clip the tops of the onions. I use this process to encourage the bulbs to get larger so that your onions are bigger and better at harvest time. So, what to do with the laundry basket full of green tops? Why, dehydrate them, of...
Lisa MatthewsApr 6, 2016dehydrating, DIY, extract, family, garden, gardening, green house, growing food, herbs, homesteading, lifestyle, mint, planting, plants, safety, tea, Uncategorized
The past week has been another roller coaster around the homestead. We’ve worked in the garden, planted in the greenhouse, begun work on re-doing pens in the barn for the animals, worked in the rapidly growing herb bed, marked our queens in both our bee hives...